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Friday, April 8, 2011

The Awkward Handshake...because too much time has elapsed for a good hug

Please let's reacquaint ourselves; it has been way too long.  Hello, I'm still Andrea and my unwavering sense of sarcasm has not gone away.  Nice seeing you again.  I can't believe I've let over eight months go by without posting, my deepest apologies.  I'm not sure what to include in my usual blog post preface so I'll just skip it.  Well no.... I will tell you something that happened to me at work.  I worked at good ol' Chili's for lunch and had this one bitch... I don't know why I'm always so lucky to have complete morons sit in my section, but it never fails.  Anyway, she came in with I'm guessing was her husband/baby-daddy and a stroller...with a baby in it.  First off, why do you need a stroller to take your child from where you parked 20 feet away to into a restaurant?  It seems to me that it would be more of a hassle to get the stroller out unfold it get your child out of the car seat put it in the stroller, buckle him/her up and then push.  Just restrain your kid on one of those ridiculous looking leashes and drag.  Am I right, or am I right? I'll brush up on the topic of babies and leashes another day...youse guys should remind me.  Carrying on....The woman insisted on sitting in a closed section away from everyone else, because she didn't want to take the kid out of the stroller.  OK, that's fine, but don't get all butt hurt if it takes more than a second for someone to see you.  I greet them with one of my infamous fake smiles and ask what they wanted to drink.  Baby-daddy gets a Dr. Pepper and the bitch gets a "water with easy ice and three not two lemon slices."  *sigh* This already seems like an awesome table.  I come back with the drinks and ask if they're ready to order and the guy is, but of course the lady isn't.  I look at her and she just gives me the one finger indicating for me to wait while she yells on the phone about breaking some kind of lease....hopefully she's on her way out of Austin.  I wait a good minute or so with her finger in my face and then decide to walk off.  As I'm away from the table she apparently waves down my section buddy for a high chair and he informs her that they're all being used.  She then explains to my buddy that it is beyond preposterous that we don't have enough high chairs to meet the volume of the restaurant.  Eventually a high chair was found and given to her, to shut her mouth up.  I finally got their order in and she then requested a "warm water."  I reply, "Not a problem" and then she asked if I knew how to make a warm water.  I don't know if I'm just assuming that I don't look like a total idiot, but my tables always think otherwise...  She tells me that I need to mix the hot water with the cold water. I look at her with a blank stare and earnestly thank her for explaining it to me.  Sheesh, I wish I had the privilege to tell people exactly what I'm thinking without it directly affecting my tip percentage.


I've been letting so many idiots off the hook, because I've been too lazy to bitch and complain about them in written form.  Forewarning to all of you PTTAAFers the time has come and there's no more hiding.  Here we go...


41.  One-Uppers

I'm not exactly sure to what terms other people use, but I'm guessing everyone knows at least one of these kinds of people.  I call a person a one-upper if no matter what story or fact you may say in front of them, they have some kind of response that belittles your former statement.  This is kinda difficult to explain so I will just include some REAL examples.  Everything you're about to read I have not imagined up or have fabricated, these are statements living one-uppers have told me.  *I'll now refer to "One uppers" as 1up and put their words in bold just to make sure there's no confusion.  Also, I have changed all names and times to protect the privacy of whoever gives a shit. 

  • Me:  Oh, my goodness did you hear that Susan was struck by lightning?
  • 1up:  Oh, really?  Well, the pain isn't as bad as you would think.
  • Me:  Pft, like you would know.  Are you an expert in lightning pain or something?
  • 1up:  No, but I've been struck by lightning before.
  • Me:  What?!! No, way.
  • 1up:  Yeah, actually more than once.
  • Me:  Shut the hell up.  You've been struck by lightning two times?
  • 1up:  I never said that.
  • Me:  What? You just said you've been struck by lightning more than once.
  • 1up:  Yeah, I have.  Not twice, but three times.
  • Me:  You've been struck by lightning three times...In the same day?
  • 1up:  No, that's silly.  It was three separate times.
  • Me:  That's UNbelievable.  
I'll spare you the details because it involves a mystical unicorn and 1up having the idea for a space time continuum or something.  Well, it didn't go that far, but it might as well have because there's no way this 1up was telling the truth.  And you may ask how do I know this for sure?  The simple answer is that I always test 1ups.  How does one do this?  Well, there are various ways, but I like making up statistics that I've supposedly read in the New York Times and random theories I've learned as an undergrad.  It never fails that 1ups fall for the bait and say that they know exactly what I'm talking about.  Here are s'more examples minus the conversation dialogue.  I'll just list some things that were said by different 1ups, each color indicates a different 1up.
  • "I don't need a watch or an alarm.  I some how have the ability to always wake up and arrive on time." 
  • "I was only part of the UT football team for one season; I was 2nd string after Ricky Williams.
  • "I used to make well over six figures, but now I'm just stuck as a middle manager at Wal-Mart.  I should have been a multimillionaire by now" 
  • "If I see an accident along the road I'm obligated to stop because I'm medically qualified to help because I've taken some community college nursing classes."
  • "Your cat is pretty fat, but my friend has a cat that is over 50 pounds."
  • "I'm such a klutz.  I used to work at drive thru Starbucks and I fell through the take out window and into someone's car." 
  • "Luckily I used to be a male prostitute and the judge recognized me so he didn't suspend my license."
  • "You've really never been in an orgy?  I've been in a bed with eight other people at one time.*" *This is hard to believe because the guy who told me this is probably the stupidest and ugliest person I've ever met
  • "I actually have passed the bar and have a medical license so I can practice both law and medicine, but I just really love being a waiter and I make more money serving."
  • "No, this insulin isn't for diabetes...I actually have cancer."
  • "My business is doing so well and I'm making so much money, that I don't even have to work.  This job is just for fun."* *This is coming from a guy that uses a pre-smart flip phone and drives a car that is older than a 2001 and is not a classic. 
Who are these one uppers trying to impress?  I mean it's obvious that they're lying.  Everyone is just too nice to call them out on their shit all of the time.  Plus, this just makes a person sad.  You're not gaining personality points, you're just losing integrity.  How can one know if they are indeed a so called one upper?  Well, if you think back on any conversation and it ended with you telling someone how "awesome" you are all of the time... chances are I try to avoid you at all costs.

What have you heard from one uppers?  I'm very curious. 

42.  When people wear clothing that is too tight/ill fitting

Okay, I know that there are certain things that are supposed to be skin tight. i.e. scuba suits, spandex body suits for athletes, SPANX, etc.  But, there is a difference between wearing something that is "skinny fit" and wearing something that looks like sausage casing.  Here's a rule of thumb...if you wear something that you think fits and you do any kind of natural movement and something suddenly pops out...then I suggest you should go at least a size up.  Furthermore, don't you think it's an obvious oxymoron that there is such thing as a skinny fit for plus sizes?  Shouldn't a plus size skinny fit be I don't know....average?  I think plus sizers would agree that the term is more fitting...pun definitely intended.  I think the problem starts with the cashier or person the clothing originated from.  I definitely know that I'm no size zero, but I do know how to shop for my intended size.  I mean if you saw the star from Precious, Gabourey Sidibe and she wanted to try on a size small tank top...would you stop her?  I wonder what cashiers think when a person purchases something that is obviously too small for them.  There must be some kind of system to where you have to meet some kind of requirement to purchase clothing.  In Japan you need proof of a parking spot to buy a car, why can't we have proof that a person will fit in a t-shirt?  I know most likely this would be too difficult to gauge what actually "fits" a person, but maybe we could use some sort of rating system.  A pseudo-American Idol voting system would suffice.  I mean if Randy Jackson says, "I'm not feeling it dawg" then that should be an indication to get some new clothes.

43. When people expect more than just a free dessert for a birthday

This is one is dedicated to any person who has ever work at a restaurant.  Having a so called birthday dinner is usually part of any birthday celebratory event.  It doesn't matter to me where or what kind of place a person has their birthday, what does get to me is when people expect the employees of a restaurant to perform some sort of song and dance for their behalf.   Getting a free drink or dessert is one thing, but why is the server of a birthday party obligated to sing for a stranger they care nothing about?  Mind you there is a difference between places that are specifically designed for birthday parties; usually these places have some sort of birthday package. For an additional charge you get a cake along with some "fun" activities.  In this case, I have no problem participating in a birthday celebration because it's part of this so called package.  Usually at a restaurant however these packages are not to be found.  Who on earth made it a rule for a restaurant to give two shits about the day a person came out of their mother's vagina?  You can't go to any other place of business and ask them to give you something for free and then sing to you.  I mean I've never tried, but I'm guessing they'll look at you like you're an imbecile.  If that were the case I would go to every single store I could possibly go to in a span of 24 hours and demand my free shirts, watches, jewelry, etc. But, that indeed is not the case.  If you want "Happy Birthday" to be sung to you, look at the group you came with.  Don't drag your unfortunate server into the mix, because I'm telling you they absolutely hate it.  100% of servers die inside when you inform them that it's someone's birthday at the table.  They are not excited and could care less.  Also, you're not fooling anyone when you stalk a server into a corner and whisper it's your best friend's birthday.  Everyone knows the reason you're there is for the free dessert and shitty ass song.  And I know a lot of people like to use the restaurant employees' singing as a vessel of embarrassment toward the birthday girl/boy, but it's not their responsibility.  There are so many things that people use servers for other than food orders and drink refills.  Here are a few things we actually do mind doing, but do it anyway in chance for a better tip:

Please don't ask me to do these things for you-

  • Give your phone number to another employee or table
  • Throw away trash that you brought in from your car
  • Watch your kids for you while you go home and get money to pay for your meal
  • Take more than two pictures*   *That's my limit
  • Cut the corn off the cob for you
There are many more, but I'll start to feel like I'm preaching.  The bottom line is if a person has to ask what your name is to sing "Happy Birthday," THEN THEY SHOULDN'T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SINGING IT.

Whew...let me take a breath before I start again, the blood is rushing to my face.  Okay, here we go.

44. When people cause traffic for no reason

Let me just start off by telling everyone that at one point in my life I was a completely profanity free person.  What caused the change?  ---Austin traffic.  I now have no problem wishing upon horrible deaths to anyone who cuts me off and blurting out the F bomb is now second nature.  I do not however use the middle finger.  I think it looks ridiculous.  You won't ever see me catch up to a driver and roll down my window to show them my longest finger.  Nope, if I ever go up to the driver I don't give them just the middle finger, I give 'em the index one too, with my thumb up.  Yup, I pretend to shoot them in the head and then follow with the throat cut.  In my opinion this has a greater effect then just flipping them off.  Okay now that I've revealed some of my psychopathic characteristics...let's go over some traffic.  

I absolutely hate it when there is room for two lanes and the car blocks the right turning lane.  Great, because of your stupid ass there's a line of cars that need to turn right, while you're sitting there waiting for the opportunity to go left.  I've noticed that the vehicle that usually does this is a low truck with a huge Virgin Mary decal on the back window...I'll leave it to you to figure this one out...

Speaking of turning right why do some people still wait for the green light to turn right?  If there's not a sign that reads, "No right on red" then that means you CAN turn right on red.  Main offender on this one?  Anyone over the age of 65.

Texting while driving is probably the worst.  You know who you are.  This is definitely a hazard.  This one has a wide range...16-65 year olds.

Stopping in the middle of the road to let someone out of the car-  How about you pull over to the side so I don't run your stupid ass friend over?  And when did society turn so trusting to thinking that a stranger won't run you over?  I mean we just take people's hand gesture to cross in front of their car like there's no tomorrow.  I'm tempted to give a pedestrian the infamous go ahead to cross and then just floor it while screaming, "Simon didn't say!"  It's a bit morbid, but funny yes?

45.  When you're sitting alone and a random person sits directly in front of you, facing you

Does then happen to everyone else as much as it does to me?  Because it seems like this always happens to me.  Talk about awkward...but g'thing I always carry around earphones for the universal signal of, "No, actually I don't want to start a conversation with you."  Even if I have nothing to plug those earphones into...I'll still put the buds in my ears and the rest of the cord in my pocket.

This is actually happening to me as I write this; I'm just trying to enjoy my lunch...  It's the worst when you look up and your eyes meet unintentionally.  I'm not looking to have a moment with someone; I'm just here to shove food in the hole of my face in peace.  Why do people always have the urge to start conversations?  Ugh...I'll just finish my sandwich and get the hell out of here.


That's all for now....Let's not become strangers again.

Want to make my day?  Click --> HERE <--

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Believe it or Not... I'm Not Dead

 Let me start things off by answering everyone's question:  "Where the hell have you been?"

---For the most part of the summer I've just been back in my good ol' hometown.  Not much to do here except to loiter at Wal-Mart and work at my favorite restaurant, "Like no place else" Chili's!  Please note that sarcasm and disdain is always a given when the infamous "home of the baby back ribs" is ever stated.  Aside from slitting my wrists vertically for fun in the hill country I did go on week long family vacation.  I think that I've already voiced my opinion about family vacations previously on this blog....but let's just reiterate shall we?  I really have no idea who thought of the concept of family vacations because technically the best vacations in my opinion tend to be the ones taken when going far far far away from your family.  The only upside from traveling with your parents is that more likely than not they take care of the bill.  More cash in the pocket is always a plus, but at what cost?  The down side of family vacations is that during them it seems like anything that was annoying to a family member before the vacation has now multiplied ten fold in a subconscious irritation meter.  For example my father is a pretty laid back guy, but he like everyone else has a vexing side... What my dad does is that he instinctively asks too many questions...repeatedly.  Let's say my mom and I are having a conversation and the word "chicken" pops up.  This word will trigger my dad into a machine gun-like series of unnecessary and mindless questions and or statements.  A few e.g. for you:
  • Chicken?
  • You don't like chicken?
  • We're going to have chicken?
  • What place has chicken?
  • Is that all you want?
  • I thought you wanted crab legs?
  • rrrrrgggg raaawwwwhhhhggggg.....
Another thing to add is that there usually is not an extended period of time in between these questions, so an answer cannot be given.  Even so these questions are dangerously close to being an unheard of "stupid question."  It's a bit ironic that I think the source of the statement, "There are no stupid questions" was my father.  Also, if you noticed that the last bullet is not indeed a question, but is rather a jumbled up group of random typing, then I would explain this by telling you that sometimes my dad likes to use sound effects or grunts rather than English words.  Believe me this is very difficult when attempting to communicate with my father.  This sad attempt would most likely go over in this nature:

--*note the onomatopoeia

Asian Father:  "I saw this movie on TV and a man was 'pew pew' and run then 'preeow....grumph....kerrang....whi-cha whi-cha.....wham!' it was a good one.  He jump and aklsjfioaw klajwejaklri aklaweijawiadk.....blah blah blah (insert filler here)."

Anyway, you can see where I can get the frustration from.  Plus, keep in mind that one of these story gems is during a "family vacation."  So, in mid-sentence I want to stab myself in the eye and tear my own head off.  Except, in most cases sharp objects are not conveniently in arms reach so I must voice how irritating people are.  And, that my friends is the origin of where family arguments are stewed and then festered into grudges and resentment.  

I know this just sounds like a bitch-fest, but isn't that the reason why you're all here?  Well, let's get on with it...


36.  Micromanagement

Just four words:  Get off my shit.  I believe management is very important contribution to make a business successful, but I don't think micromanagement is necessary in any case.  If a person is compelled to always have their hand in every matter, then this instantly transforms subordinates into enemies.  No one like to be told what to do all of the time, especially me.  If you know me personally then you have probably figured out that I don't completely have shit for brains...all of the time.  So if that's the case then you know that I shouldn't be treated like a blithering idiot.  If I needed someone to hold my hand throughout my entire working career, then I probably shouldn't possess a job.  There's a huge difference between asking someone to do you a work related favor and  nitpicking at minor details.  So if you ever hear me utter those four words...a word of advice --> listen. 

37.  When people complain about getting souvenirs

If you ask me, if a person gets you a souvenir you should feel lucky that they actually thought of your ass while on vacation.  I know sometimes buying souvenirs can at times feel like a burden, but do what you like.  No matter what gift I receive big or small, I am at least grateful.  The souvenir that gets under my skin are the stupid shirts, mugs, or anything that has a surface that allows screen prints to be applied to it that has, "My ______ went to ______ and all I got was this lousy shirt, mug, or anything that has a surface that allows screen prints to be applied to it."  Why do I hate this said product?  Because the very nature of the souvenir screams, "This is a shitty gift."  Everyone knows that this cliche piece of merchandise is not funny or of good quality.  I mean I've never seen anything that's worth anything that contains the word "lousy" intentionally on it.  Whoever was the first person to come up with this gimmick of a "lousy" souvenir must be that one person who is a piece of shit who complains about everything.  The person who gave them something should have taken back the souvenir and replaced it with something like this:

To me this seems more appropriate to what that person deserves.  I mean it is the thought that counts right?

38.  Auto Flushers

I get why toilets are automatic nowadays, but out of all advances in technology was this one really necessary?  How long does it take to flush a toilet?  Maybe a few seconds? It really doesn't take much effort.  I think we should devote our invention capabilities toward things that do not enable us to be lazy and overweight pieces of shit.  Let's talk about people who are extremely overweight...this may be a touchy subject, but someone needs to bring it up.  It is a fact that currently overall people are fatter than ever.  I am against letting overweight people have handicap spaces.  If anything we should make them park farther away from their desired destination.  It may be the only exercise they get all week.  Plus, society is the enabler of obesity.  Usually there are warning labels on things that are harmful to our health.  i.e. alcohol, tobacco, and medicine/prescription products.  But, if you have noticed there are few warnings on food products aside from allergy warnings.  Maybe below the ingredients should be a cautionary tale of a person who ate too many Cheetos and now is too large to fit through the doorway of their own home.  I know this sort of scare tactic would work on most people, me included.  Or another suggestion is to be more creative with the serving sizes.  Instead of just putting something along the lines of "Serving size: 1 oz (28g/about 7 chips)" maybe replace that with "Serving size: Jabba the Hut's handful (364g/ about 2 chips too many)."  To me that's a little more eye catching. Or maybe a non-conventional before and after shot..

Anyway, back to the fact... Flushing a toilet is not rocket science and it takes minimal effort.  Also, has anyone else experienced the event when the toilet flushed at a time when you didn't want it to flush?  Like when you're sitting on the commode and it flushes beneath you.  To me that seems quite rude.  Another scenario is when you put the wax seat cover on the seat and then the toilet flushes it before you even sit down.  Now that's frustrating.  When I was younger I thought the automatic flushers operated by a camera and a person would know when you were finished and then would flushed the toilet for you when you got up.  This doesn't seem all that out there because there is a flashing red light on some of the automatic flushers.  There's something to think about.

39.  When people use/say unnecessary gestures/salutations

Does anything come to mind right away?  

  • The telephone

How about when people put a thumb to the ear and a pinky finger to the mouth to mimic a phone?  I think it's obvious enough when a person explains a story when they're on the phone without using their hand as a prop.  Maybe there was a person who didn't understand the concept of a person being on the phone and needed clarification.

-"So I was on the phone and..."
~"Wait. What do you mean you were on the phone?"
-"On the telephone.  You know like this (hand gesture of phone)."
~"Oh....now I get it.  Using your hand as a phone really helped and I think it is essential to the story."

  • Ba-dum-chi
I understand that a person cannot be funny at all times, but if in fact a statement is genuinely funny I don't think a "ba-dum-chi" must follow it.  The only sound acceptable to validate if something is humorous is laughter.  Even if the laugh isn't very pleasant at least you can tell if it's authentic.  Well, that is of course if you have a trusty fake laugh detector like I do.  It really comes in handy when you're trying to determine if someone is a bitch.  For me it works like this:  If I think you're giving me pity laughs, then I think you're a bitch.  It's as easy as that.  This seems a bit extreme, but I can't help how I feel.   Oh, and I'm completely joking.  I'll take any laughs even if they're for charity.  I think the only things that proceed "ba-dum-chi" are in fact not supposed to be funny at all.  Almost like a person is joking that the statement is funny.  It's one of those confusing double negative or positive things.  A common example would include anything that starts with "your mom."

E.g.   "Man, this sucks."
        "Your mom sucks. Ba-dum-chi haha"

You see.  Not funny at all.  And now if you were the person that said this, you look like a complete asshole.

You could also use the "ba-dum-chi" out of spite.  Just say something with complete sarcasm and then end it with the short drum riff.

  • I really like your haircut...
  • Your drawing is really beautiful...
  • You cooked this?  It's delicious...
  • This is the best present ever...

 It's a little below the belt if you ask me.

40.  When reruns don't play in order

I get that not all reruns can play in consecutive all of the time, but the least the network could do is play them in order if they are showing them back to back.  The only station that I know who does this is Lifetime: the network for women.  How do I know this? Because on occasion I rewatch old Grey's Anatomy episodes....it's not a crime you know.  Anyway, this isn't a very crucial

OK You should all know the drill now.  Let's continue to be best friends and click --> HERE <--

Monday, April 26, 2010

It's not me...It's you.

So I've decided to devote this particular blog to PTTAAF.

So check out my new work in process ---> Some Bunny's Shit.

It will include a bunch of random things.  Enjoy and leave me....comments!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hiya Stranger

Ah, I can't believe I completely neglected my blog and youse guys for over a month.  I'll just apologize now.

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry that I haven't written you even when I said I would...please forgive me.

Your friend,


Oh, and for everyone else...my bad.

I could have lied and said that I intentionally skipped February because it's by far the most retarded month.  Oh, excuse me, I mean the month with the most severe mental disabilities.  For one, it's not spelled how it sounds phonetically, and it's the only month with less than 30 days.  Plus on top of that, every four years we just tack on an extra day to the second month of the year for shits and giggles.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I know that it's because we need to keep the solar year balanced and blah, blah, blah.  But, why do we add it to February?  Why not to January or December?  Seems to me it would make more sense to add an extra day to the end months.  Anyone have an answer for that one?  I'm too lazy to Google it and I refuse to pay a dollar for kgb to do it.

Let's just get straight to it.


A spark of inspiration.

31.  Know it Alls (KIA)

So, I'm not going to drop any specific names on this one, but I think that these kinds of people are easy to spot.  It's one thing when a person knows nothing at all and has shit for brains. But it's a totally different ball game when a person knows nothing, but says anything and everything to portray an image of intellect.  We all know that I am easily annoyed by idiots, but if you're a know it all, most likely I do everything in my power to avoid you at all cost.  Like I've said before, if I answer you with short one syllable words....hint hint! I don't want you to direct any kind of conversation toward me.

Usually Know-it-Alls claim to be from multiple places, are at least bilingual, and knows everything about current news and random knowledge.  When I actually have enough patience to deal with a KIA, my favorite thing to do is mess with them.  I'll create some obscure news story and see if they take a bite at the bait.  Usually they do, because KIAs can never be out of the loop.  It's so funny to see a person's response to my lies about how chewing your food more than 10x causes cancer or how the color pink is becoming endangered.  Usually KIAs will put their finger to their chin while pondering and say, "Oh, yeah I've read about that somewhere."  The truth is you haven't because I pulled all of that straight out of my ass hole.  Do everyone a favor and just shut the hell up for once.  Here's a rule of thumb, if a person doesn't ask for your opinion it usually means they don't want it.

32.  When people are bitchy-nice

Who here doesn't know what bitchy-nice is?  Well, I guess this can be defined in many ways, but let me include what I think it entails.  When a person constantly has a smile stuck on their face while simultaneously is being insulting or degrading, is my definition for "bitchy-nice."  The funny thing is that usually this pertains to females.  It's usually the lady who has some kind of minuscule job, but has some kind of loaded snazzy title like administrative assistant = secretary or sales associate = Wal-Mart employee.  They kind of grit their teeth when speaking and they talk through their teeth like a cheap ventriloquist.  I don't understand why people put these two attributes together. I mean c'mon we all know that the "nice" is an act and the truth is that you're just really a bitch.  So, if you're going to be a bitch then fine, be one.  But, don't try to hide it by pretending to be my best friend.  I know who my friends are and I don't need a female pooch to hump my leg.

33.  When people's butt cracks constantly show.

Please note that I inserted the word "constantly."  I understand that sometimes pants can sag down due to gravity and what not, but if it is corrected within a certain time period I'll deem it acceptable.  But, the majority of the time when ass crack is shown, it is by the skanky girl in front of me during lecture or the somewhat heavy set guy that from far away seems like he shares a common odor with an old sopping rag or mop.  I mean c'mon can these people really not feel that their cracks are exposed?  Sometimes I intentionally power-walk directly behind them hoping that the gust of wind from my stroll will trigger a cool sensation to their ass fold. 

So, I've thought of a solution to this gluteus maximus cleavage epidemic.  Instead of young women only getting floral/butterfly lower back tattoos...I suggest something along these lines:

Hey, at least it's a bit considerate, right?

34.  When people ask questions they already know the answer to.

This could go either way.  One or two of these kinds of questions could be acceptable only in the following situations:

Acceptable Examples:

To start a conversation:  Oh, hey you're John Doe's sister, right?
To get something back that's yours:  Oh, is that my pen you're using?
To end a conversation:  Oh, wow it's 10 o'clock already?

Note that most of these questions start with, "Oh."  But, any interjection can be used at the beginning of these questions to avoid extreme awkwardness toward the other party.

What is not permitted is when you ask a question just for instant gratification to let others that you might actually know something. Usually these questions have particularly simple answers that even Forrest Gump could give with ease.  Or the questions can easily be converted into statements if the question mark is replaced with a period.

Prohibited Examples:

Two plus two equals four?
You're 22, so you're turning 23?
Both your parents are Filipino...so that makes you full Filipino?

I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would just stop and think before they speak sometimes.  I'm not pointing the finger to any of my readers because I know youse guys wouldn't do that, right?* e.g. of conversation ender

35.  When people say/write things that are obviously grammatically incorrect.

I'm just going to admit one thing right now.  I know I suck at grammar, comma splices, and all that jazz, but I do know the difference between possessives and contractions. Is it really that difficult? 

Your versus You're

Your = possessive 

Is that your banana?
Your blog is awesome.
That's not mine.  I think that's yours.

You're = you are

You're awesome.
You're so funny.
I'm glad you're here.

There- Their- They're:  It's going to be alright.

OK "there," "their," and "they're" is an example of a homophone.  Surprising to some, that is not a gay telephone.  A homophone is: one of two or more words pronounced alike but differs in meaning, derivation or spelling.

There = in or at that place


What's over there?
Here, there, and everywhere.
There we go.

Their = of or relating to them or themselves; his or her, possessive case of they


I lost all of their phone numbers.
Their dogs are all out.
Their prices here are pretty decent.

They're = contraction of they are


They're so cute.
They're all busy.
They're closing in five minutes.

*A sub-note to add
"Thay" is not an English word. 


I hate it when people use "proff" for professor.  Notice that there is only ONE "f" in professor.

Good to note* Knowledge courtesy of U.I.L. Dictionary skills
p = page pg = page
pp = pages pgs = pages
V. = versus VS. = versus
ABBR = Abbreviation

*Why the hell is abbreviation such a long word?  And why do we only have a short hand symbol for a two letter word? At = @  Wow, thanks for saving me a millisecond of my time.  How about we figure something out for that "h-t-t-p-colon-backslash-backslash-w-w-w-dot" bullshit?

Anyway V. Anyways

Anyway = never the less, at any rate, any how

Anyways= nonstandard, anyway

So pretty much, "anyways" is not a word.  So...don't use it.  Just the sound of it makes me cringe.  I've tried to be an active corrector of this by instantly saying "anyway" any time I hear someone use, "anyways."  So, don't be surprised when you hear an echo of  "anyway" when you blurt out a nonstandard word.

Pronunciation of my name, Andrea.

Correct:  ahn-drey-uh / an-dree-uh

Incorrect: on/awn- drey-uh

I think that I made a conscious decision on the pronunciation of my name on the first day of Kindergarten.  

Ms. Sylvester asked me, "Is it Ann-drey-uh or On-drey-uh?" 

Because I hate the sound of an "o" in my name I picked the Americanized version of my name:  Ann-drey-uh.

Technically, it's neither.  My parents named me and since they are both from Filipino decent, the "r" in my name is somewhat rolled.  So, something like this:  Ahn- drrrey- uh But, forewarning!!! Do not ever emphasize the r-rolling in my name.  That just makes you sound straight up ignorant and stupid.  I don't want anyone to turn into a freaking cat midway into saying my name.  Leave the purring to the hairball coughing and private licking felines.  

You would think the Americanized version would be everyone's first guess to pronouncing my name, but you'd be completely wrong.  Just because my skin contains a bit more melanin than some of youse white folk, it doesn't mean that I must have some crazy foreign name.  Plus, Andrea is my actual name.  It's not an American replacement for Lingxiaoping or Ching-a ling-ling, OK? 

Whew, I finally got that off my chest.

End of rant.  Please click --> HERE <-- to comment and make my day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, Old Tidings

Happy MMX!!! I hope everyone had an awesome year, but if you didn't...Hey, here's a new one, so try not to F it up.  I'm sure many of you have your resolutions thought out, but how many of you are actually going to keep 'em? My top philosophy now is to reevaluate my relationships:  family, friendship, etcetera. Aristotle's ethics include how people only have "friendships" or philia i.e. love, because the relationships are only intact because each individual uses another for some sort of advantage.  That's a pretty bizarre idea that every person in existence uses another.  We all know what I'm using you for.......ahem blog comments.  But, what's your advantage from me?  Just something to think about... Anyway, enough of this mumbo jumbo.  Let's get to what really matters...


That's so.....miscellaneous.  

27.  When people flake

I understand that sometimes plans turn to shit, but c'mon.  There's a difference between change of plans and flaking.  There are many definitions for a flake, but each of them share a common word, unreliable.  How many times does a person have to ditch plans before they are named unreliable or i.e. a flake? Well, personally I think granting a person three chances is generous.  I'm all for hanging and what not, but don't make plans with me to just shit on them later.  It's such a waste of time to think you have plans and then in the end, you don't.  

28.  When people have the wrong winter attire

Of course each person's sense of warmth differentiates due to size or preference, but there are times when you think about a person's outfit with, "Wow, I guess it's not that hot/cold out here."  It's hard to visualize without clip art, eh?  Well, let me help you out with that.  

Let me categorize what I think is appropriate for the according temperatures* Please note that these are in terms of Tejas weather, so all you Canadians shut your trap.  Especially, you Alanis Morissette.  Nobody cares what you think.  As for your ex-fiancĂ©, Ryan Reynolds....mmmm he can talk. Anyway, enough Canadian bashing.  Let's get to it.

40s - Freezing temperatures:

First off, if it's freezing in Texas my advice is to...stay indoors.  No one here can drive in sleet let alone snow.  Southern people can't even handle drizzle.  Let's all do everyone a favor and keep our lives by staying off the roads.  If you do decide to turn mental and go out side...the key word is layers.  

First layer/next to skin-  should be something that takes away the sweat from the body.  I'm sure many of you are thinking a t-shirt, but cotton soaks up water and doesn't evaporate quickly.  I prefer to wear Nike Dri-Fit. Some of you may ask, "What's Dri-fit?"  Well, here's Nike's description:  Dri-Fit:  This high-performance, microfiber, polyester fabric wicks sweat away from the body and moves it to the fabric surface, where it evaporates. As a result, Dri-FIT fabric helps you stay dry and comfortable.  

Well, I'm sold.  

Middle layer/thermal layer-  This is where you wear your warmest stuff.  The hideous wool sweater you got from one of your aunts from Christmas will do.  If it's it's cold enough it won't matter because you'll have another layer to hide the vomit green color of your sweater and you can blame the beet-red face from the cold/wind.  

*Note that I do not/never will own this sweater

Outer layer- This should be water proof and wind resistant.  This will keep you warm by protecting your thermal layer from being cold and wet.  A down puff jacket will do it it's really cold, but it might not be very accessible or practical.  And for all you Whitey Whitersons, we all know how you adore your North Face jacket.  

So, I already established this is for really really cold climate, and you can always add layers between these basic ones.  But, if you only wear a T-shirt under your stupid letter jacket and complain it's cold...Get the F out of my face.  Also, you frat boys who stroll around campus in freezing temperatures with your stupid sailor shorts, Sperry Topsiders with no socks, and backwards cap...YOU DON'T LOOK "COOL!"  Pun halfway intended.  I for one think if it's freezing and you're wearing shorts and a T-shirt and are pale white and shivering, you're an IDIOT.  I have no sympathy for stupid people.  If you want my sympathy, back of the line.


Down here, this is still considered a bit cold.  I would think at least a light jacket for the morning is a must and then if it warms up you can just take it off.  Only thing about this is that when it's freaking cold in the morning and when noon hits the suns slaps you across the face, I tend to get irritated to carry my jacket around.  And tying the sleeves around your waist/shoulders only works for Polo Ralph Lauren models.  



70s can still be cool, but it's not cold any more.  Take off your damn turtleneck and destroy your Snuggie for dogs.  


It's warm.  No need for winter attire at all.  Enjoy the nice weather, douchebags.  Take off your hoodie and sit on it.


It's f'ing hot.  If you're wearing any sort of jacket, you deserve to be punched square in the mouth.  Period.  Unless of course you have some sort of skin problem...OK the kids off of The Others have a pass, everyone else a fist to the face.

29.  When people chime in on conversations they know nothing about

If I'm speaking to one person, there's probably a reason I'm speaking to ONE person.  Don't walk up beside me and stare at us and wait for something to comment on.  If you notice that when you walk up to a conversation and the people look at you funny and turn back and say, "Anyway..." and continue with their conversation, most likely they don't want you standing there.  Another hint to know you're not wanted to have a conversation with is when a person only answers in one/two syllable words.  E.g.:  Uh, huh, OK, yeah, yes, etcetera.  

30.  Dr. Honeydew* I don't really hate the Muppets character, but I do hate the person he resembles.

For those of you who have no idea who this person is, feel privileged.  Just knowing that this person exists in the world makes me die inside a little every day.  This is no hyperbole.  I HATE this man.  You think that my blog is full of hate and disgust?  Well, words cannot describe how much I despise this person.  Just thinking about him disgusts me to the core.  I'm just going to leave it at this because I don't want to start having a tantrum and have a cerebral (brain) aneurysm.  Ballooning blood vessel in the brain?  Yeah, no thanks.  But, I will open up the comments for anyone who thinks they know who Dr. Honeydew is.  I would please request that you do not include his/her name, but to just include what you think of this person.  And, if you are unsure or are unaware of who Dr. Honeydew indeed is, I'm sure there is a person you know who is the equivalent, so please describe your arch nemesis.  Please, this is an open space so comment away.  

You know the drill.  Click -->  HERE <--  if you heart me.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Da-Douche-da-douche-douche-douche* Should be read in beat of the Thong Song

TAKE A BREAK FROM FINALS!!!!!! And read s'more.


I've been neglecting my blog and that makes not only me sad, but I'm sure you all as well.  So let's all have a little pick me up, shall we? 

Here's something obvious to add... DOUCHEBAGS.  Please notice that these PTTAAF additions do not start with "when people..."  Instead these are actual people or "people who do..."  so if you fall into these...chances are that I secretly hate you. 

Speaking of the word "douchebag," I remember someone in middle school said that they were the reason why the word became popular.  And he wasn't just saying popular within our little school, but the whole nation...what an idiot. 


21.  Parking Attendants/Maids 

Why do we pay others to be dickheads?  Every one of you who owns a car, by now should have received some kind of parking ticket or violation.   If not...it's just a matter of time.  I understand that some parking spaces need to be saved for certain people, i.e. the handicapped or employees, but the amount of these "reserved at all times" spaces is too excessive.  

How many handicapped spaces does a place really need?  It seems that every curb is designated to be a handicapped space.  I don't know about you, but I've only seen a few people on campus in wheelchairs and I highly doubt they drive themselves to school. 

22.  People who are on Facebook on computers that are only for academic use.

I will admit that I sometimes use the the computers that are specifically labeled "For research and academic use" to check my e-mail from time to time, but NEVER when someone is waiting.  Unless, of course I didn't notice the person waiting.  When I do see an anxious person waiting I gladly relinquish my seat and offer them my computer.  But, when sitting at an adjacent desk to the computers and see that the person is now having five simultaneous Facebook conversations...I become livid.  Wow, I guess that's not very important at all and you shouldn't of given me dirty looks for using the computer for two seconds to check my e-mail.

What's so great about Facebook anyway?  It's a way to keep in touch with friends and blah, blah, blah.  What the hell ever.  First off, if you can't communicate with "friends" physically or via phone, then you're probably not friends at all, or shouldn't be.  People should stop lying and just admit that Facebook's sole purpose is for people to creep on others' pages that we like or in some cases don't like at all.  Well, in my case I'm sure many of you get harassing messages from me to comment on my blog posts...so that makes me some what of a hypocrite.  The thing is that I could text all of my contacts to comment on my blog, but that is "too much" effort for some to accomplish.  Because one would have to read my text, get on the computer, go on the internet, find my site, read the post, and then comment.  Where as if I mass message people on facebook, I can just include my blogsite link within the message. And since Facebook requires internet access the person would already be online and could just click the link attached to the message and...voilĂ .  This is a bit of a rationalization...but I know that even this is too much work for some to accomplish.

Well, enough of my Facebook usage schpeel...back to the topic at hand.

I especially hate when I'm the one waiting for a computer and I actually do need to use it for school work...and 90% of the people on the computers are on Facebook, flipping through stupid photo albums of people with their tongues out flashing some kind of stupid hand gesture i.e. "hook 'em horns/rock" sign or the horrid "shocker."  I usually start off waiting patiently, but after five minutes or so I do the nonchalant unnecessary cough or sigh to get someone's attention.  At this point, most not if all of the people on the computers are aware of my impatience and urgency to use a computer...so what do they all do?  Of course, they just turn back to their screens and laugh at themselves with self appreciation of their so called "witty" status.  I always manage to bite my tongue in these situations, but I'm sure some day I'm going to go off.  I'm a ticking time bomb....just wait in see.

23.  Couples who sit next to each other in a booth.

I don't know about you guys, but when I go out with someone I like speaking to them face to face.  If you sit right next to a person, you have to do that awkward  90 degree head turn.  Let's weigh out our options:  (1) sit across a person and be comfortable or (2) sit beside someone with less room and a crick in your neck.... To me the answer seems obvious, but I'm not sure what you guys think.

Not only do these people violate each other's personal space, but they have to constantly be touching each other.  Either the girl's legs are in the guy's lap or their clammy hands are interlocked.  My gosh, we all get that you're together.  If you really wanted to emphasize this, I suggest getting a shirt that says, "I'm with him/her" and has an arrow pointing to the left or right.  Just so that everyone knows.  *Buyer beware*  If you do decide to invest in one of these shirts, I suggest that you pick one with an arrow direction of your liking, because you'll have to stand on the same side of your gf/bf all the time for your stupid shirt to make sense.

Another thing is that when people sit on the same side of one booth, they are staring at an empty seat the whole time.  Now it just looks like wasted space.  If I'm ever hosting and a couple doesn't use the booth appropriately, I'm going to seat another lame love duo across from them.  At least the space wouldn't be wasted.  Productivity prevails.

24.  People who leave their belongings in empty seats when people are standing

When riding on a public transportation vehicle, I believe it is acceptable to put a bag, books, etc in the seat next to you if there is no one wanting to take a seat there. But, if the bus is full of people put your shit in your damn lap.  Why is it so hard for people to act in an appropriate way?  I guess I'll never understand.  All of these things seems so trivial and obvious to me. I'll just leave it at this:  Move your shit.

25. People who are on their phones at inappropriate times


Let's just start a sub-list to what I consider unacceptable and inconsiderate

End your damn phone conversation when you're:
  • giving your order to a server
  • receiving your order 
  • next in line at a cashier
  • at work and it's your job to greet customers
  • out with people and are continuously blabbing on the phone in front of them
I'm going to stop here because I could go on forever and I'll leave some points for youse guys to add.

    But, I think the one thing that really pushes me over the edge is, when I am unfortunate enough to be the person in the receiving end of this rude gesture and the person on the phone gives me the universal one pointer finger to the face that indicates, "just one minute."  Oh, how I hate this.  For one, it instantly gives me the desire to break off your damn index finger and shove it down your esophagus causing an obstruction to the airway to your lungs.  And I hope to my homeboy, Jesus, that this leads to asphyxia and then to hypoxia.  Yeah, you better believe that my words are serious, because I don't think you'll want the random weird nasally guy with probable HINI infection to attempt the Heimlich Maneuver on you.  Well, hey it's your own choice.


    Again, my apologize for the somewhat blog sabbatical.  Then again, not one person added a comment or suggestion.  NOT ONE!  You know what?  I have one more...

    26.  People who read my blog posts and do not comment

    You know who you are...and I know that people visit my page without commenting because there is a nifty visitor counter on my right panel of my blog.  So, yeah I need documented love to my page, not just verbal.  I'm going to just throw this out there, but...  I self-consciously rate my friendships by comment frequency.  Just a little FYI for people out there.  So, to spell it out to you...the more you comment the more I'll probably like you.  And, if you don't comment at all....well, I probably hold a deep grudge buried within my soul against you.  So.... no biggie.

    One more thing....Where the hell did 2009 go?

    Click --> HERE <-- if you want to be my friend.  

    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    A Constant Reminder

    PTTAAF 4*

    Quick question... If an escalator is broken, it turns into stairs, right?  Right...So, what's the policy on going up a "broken escalator" that usually descends and vice versa?  I guess if you have no knowledge to the original direction of the escalator when it was functioning..... you get a pass to walk up the newly transformed stairs?  Scratch that...I don't think that made any sense.  Instead of being philosophical...I'll just stick to things I have talent for...like bitching.

    Hajimemashou!! <--- That means "let's start" in Japanese.  Hey, now you can say you learned something today....unless you already knew that...

    Back to Basics

    I've already scratched the surface of etiquette in one of my older posts: The American Demise* - The Deterioration of Human Propriety  But, I'd like to add s'more sub-points to this topic.  I think that politeness and intellect have a positive or direct relationship.  Well, this is probably not true...because usually the southern population is nicer than the northern.... And Southerners tend to be on the less educated side...I'll emphasize that this is my opinion, because the ruder the person is the more likely I think they are an incompetent piece of shit. 

    16.  When people stop right in front of where the escalator ends

    OK... let me calm down for a second.  *Exhales*  First off, typically there are people behind you on an escalator so if you stop in front of constantly moving stairs....the person behind you is going to run your ass over.  Let's just do a little role playing shall we?

    So picture a full escalator with a person at every other step.  Let's say that the escalator is going down and is only wide enough for a single passenger per step ... Imagine that the person at the very bottom of the escalator stops abruptly when stepping off of the escalator.  Does anyone see a problem here?  The only option the person behind this dumb shit has, is to either attempt to back up and cause a reverse domino effect or to plow through that stupid person who stopped in the middle of a moving staircase to start texting another idiotic friend.  I vote shove the moron over and then step to the side of the escalator so each of the descending passengers can give you a high five.

    Also, I like having my own person space.  The imaginary bubble that I live in and dislike wholeheartedly if someone bursts it.  I'm assuming everyone has their own bubble and the size of this bubble varies.  Anyway, here's a few questions:  Why do some people insist on being on the step right behind you?  Do they really like ass in their face while automatically inclining?  If this is the case, I suggest pleasing their peculiar philia and let out a well deserved flatulence.  What more can they want?  Now they not only get to see ass, but taste it.

    17.  When people ignore you when you say, "Excuse me."

    At all times, I try to be as courteous and polite as possible.  My best efforts are put forth in to remembering to say, "please" and "thank you" whenever necessary.  Most of these gestures are ignored, but "excuse me" needs to be heard and reacted to.  If there's a hallway I need to get through and it is packed with people, I usually try to snake my way through while excusing myself.  But, sometimes there isn't enough space for a three dimensional person to fit through.  When this happens, the situation should play out something like this:

    Me:  "Oh, excuse me.  I need to get by you."

    Sane person:  "Oh, OK.  No problem."  (and moves out of the way)

    Me:  "Thank you very much."

    Nice right?  Quick and easy, but this is what usually occurs:

    Me:  "Oh, excuse me.  I need to get by you."

    Moron:  ..... (just looks at me and turns back around)

    Me: "Um...ok." (Now squeezes my way through)

    Moron:  (gives me an ugly look while I'm passing by)

    Me:  *whispering under my breath*  "Fucking idiot..."

    I don't know about you.....but situation number one looks like a winner. 

    18. When people sit at the end of a row instead of moving toward the center or all the way down

    This especially pisses me off on campus because the rows/aisles are so narrow.  People have two choices:  (1)  An ass in their face (2) A pelvis in their face  Neither one of these sound appealing to me.  The easiest solution is to just move all the way down so that new comers can be easily seated.  All of you know that things aren't done in a way that are sensible...so that means that most people who first walk into a room pick the end seats.  When you have to get by these people what happens?  They do that whole deal where they move their legs to one side to let you through.  This is never enough room to pass by.  When people lunge over other's knees it looks as if they're practically sitting in their laps.  That or they're getting a free lap dance before the bell rings.  I guess it all depends on how you look at it. 

    19.  Going to Wal-Mart when there are a lot of idiots present...Oh, wait that's all of the time. Let me rephrase:  Going to Wal-Mart

         A.  When people leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle

    First of all, the only time I go to Wal-Mart now is to grab a few items for cooking or whatever; but in high school, Wal-Mart was equivalent to a theme park.  Sadly, this is one of many downsides from living in a small town.  Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that going to Wal-Mart is a quick in and out kind of deal, no smoozing  around.  That means no cart, just a hand blue carry basket.  So, when I'm only taking up my body's physical space in an aisle along with my basket, I expect the other customers to be as considerate with their cart.  Of course this isn't the case.  I seem to be always caught  in the middle of an aisle because to my right there's a lady who left her kid buckled to the cart to snag her third helping of Activia from a sample table, and to my left is an old lady with a cart full of cat or probably in her case geriatric food. So, what's the solution when you're trapped between two carts in an aisle?  I for one do not know the answer, but one would think it is to just scooch over a cart to free myself from the confinement in front of canned liverwurst and Spam.... But, NO! If you move someone's cart one centimeter...actually no, if you even touch another person's cart they flip out.  Look, I'm not trying to steal your snot nosed baby, you're the one that got yourself preggers so that's your problem.  And my other option, Cat Lady?  Well, I wouldn't want to mess with her because it's only down hill for her since Chef Boyar-Meow Mix is what's for dinner.  You might ask, "Well, what the hell do you do in this situation?"  Well personally, I release an exhale that I make sure gets noticed, and then I cross my arms and just wait for one of them to move out of my way.  I know this sounds ridiculously passive aggressive, but believe me that sigh will pierce their little hearts....or piss 'em off....Either way you're golden.

         B.  The "express" line

    "Express" is in quotation marks because it's a pseudo word Wal-Mart likes to use to deceive customers.  It's almost a joke actually.  Because on every occasion that I stand in that supposed "express" line, I am stuck behind the slowest people alive, or the "speedy" checker is a frail old lady who is frightened by the new 20 and 50 dollar bills. The funniest part of these lines is that there's an "item limit."  I'm not sure if people don't know how to read, or if they're just that inconsiderate....but that "15 items or less" sign is never obliged.  There's always a woman in line that probably just got her welfare/unemployment check and has just raided all of Wal-Mart's aisles.   And of course this woman is in front of me in the "express lane," and I only have a bag of chips and some chewing gum.  D'ya think she was courteous enough to let me check out before her?  Before you answer "yes," let me just remind you that she's probably an unemployed mother of 10 and has been supported by the government since she lost her last permanent tooth.  Of course the answer is NO! That's just one scenario.

      Let me just list some others that I've been lucky enough to experience in the express line:
    • When the person in front of me pays with all coins.  I have no problem with paying with coins, but your math skills have to be at least par to 1st grade for this.  And trust me, these people play with a handicap in math.
    • When the customer and the cashier are having a long conversation and there is obviously a line forming.
    • When you're waiting in line and then when you finally get to the front, the cashier turns off the register light.*  *Indicating that his/her register is closed.
    • When the person checks out and doesn't have money for all of their items.  I understand that sometimes you can be a few dollars short, but don't go shopping with twenty bucks and fill up your cart with 50 bags of Cheetos or whatever and then get surprised that you don't have enough money.  The worst part is that these people cannot estimate the amount of money needed.  So they'll tell the cashier to take off one item at a time to see if they can afford it.....Uh, I swear the next time I'm behind a person like this I'm going to flip. 
    I'm sure there are many more, but I should stop before I go into another anger outburst.  Anyway, I'm not sure if every person encounters these problems, but I for one always do.  I've come to terms that I am indeed an idiot magnet.  I've just accepted this fact, but luckily being an idiot magnet is good for you.  Because what else could I blog about?  I think I'll just stick to what I'm good at....which is of course bitching and moaning. 

         C.  The Self-Check Out

    When this came out I was excited because it seemed like it would solve some of my Wal-Mart line discrepancies.  *Sigh*  Once more it's just another let down.  People are just too incompetent for self checkout. I thought that putting a barcode to a scanner wouldn't take much brain activity, but I guess it does.  Self checkout I guess is the poor man's sudoko.  I won't get into this one with much detail, but I'm sure you can imagine what occurrences could happen.  I mean if you let people do someone else's job on their own....you know that this is a guaranteed head throb.

    That was a lot on Wal-Mart...my apologies.

    20.  When people with umbrellas walk under covered walkways

    I've already established in Free Car Wash that I never have an umbrella when it rains.  Today I was trying to walk under some of the few covered walkways on the Drag, but was bombarded with all of the people who had umbrellas.  Since I'm trying not to get wet I should have the right of way under the covered walkway.  Sheesh... they already have an umbrella and that takes up most of the sidewalk.  I mean people don't keep their umbrellas open when they go through buildings...what's the difference here?  When I was walking today it was as if the sidewalk was an obstacle course and I had to duck and maneuver myself out of harms way from the sharp and jagged metal points of the umbrellas.  I should have just crouched low enough to stay under all of the umbrellas, but that would have been too much effort.  My sis was smarter about it.  She just swatted away the umbrellas like flies. 

    You should all know the drill by now... Click -->HERE <---